Ministry of ICT CAS Nadia ‘Naddy’ loses mother to cancer

Nadia Ahmed the CAS at the ministry of ICT innovation and Youth affairs PHOTO COURTESY

The Chief Administrative Secretary Ministry of ICT, Innovation & Youth Affairs Nadia Ahmed Abdalla, commonly known as ‘Nadia Naddy’ has lost her mother.

The mother to the bubbly CAS died on Friday morning after losing the battle to cancer.

“She was a brave woman, she fought a good fight! She never let Cancer bring her down, but she had to go back to Her Maker,” read a tweet from Nadia.

“Rest well Mama! My brother and I have not lost you! We have gained a Guardian Angel,” the tweet continues to read.

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho was among leaders who condoled with the CAS saying “I extend my most sincere condolences to Ms. Nadia Ahmed Abdalla the Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Innovation, ICT & Youth Affairs and to her entire family for the loss of her mother this morning. May the Almighty assuage your grief and grant you strength and patience in these trying times. May Allah SWT grant the deceased Jannatul Firdaus. Amin.”

The former Miss President contestant was appointed CAS by President Uhuru Kenyatta during a Cabinet reshuffle on 14th January 2020.

Through her #KenyaNiMimi campaign on Instagram, Nadia has been bringing in speakers from different professions to help encourage and build the youth, through live chats.

