Three more succumb to COVID-19 in Mombasa

Health Chief Administrative secretary Rashid Aman./ COURTESY

Three more people have died of COVID-19 in Mombasa on Tuesday.

Cabinet Administrative Secretary for Health Rashid Aman confirmed that two among the deceased died at their home while the third patient died while receiving treatment at the hospital.

The number of COVID-19 deaths has risen to 36 since the first case was reported in March.

“Over the last 24 hours we have tested 974 people out of which 15 people tested positive “said Aman

Among those tested positive seven cases were reported from Mombasa, three in Migori County, three in Wajir County and one from Machakos, Nairobi and Kiambu Counties.

Aman said that seven cases reported from Mombasa, five are from Mvita Sub County while Kisauni and Jomvu Sub Counties recorded one case each.

The ministry of health has also confirmed that other eight people were discharged from the hospital after testing negative

Two Tanzanian tested positive at Isebania border and were denied from entering into the country.

Amman said that all foreigners are tested at the borders before being allowed into the country.

He said that the Tanzanians who tested positive were still in Tanzanian soil and were taken back for isolation and contact tracing.

