Police officer beheaded while enforcing curfew in Ribe


A police officer has been beheaded by unknown assailants in Ribe, Kilifi county along the Bondora-Mwakirunge road near the border with Mombasa county.

According to an eyewitness, the cop’s head was dismembered from the torso.

The head and the rest of the body of the officer attached to the Kambe Ribe police post were found meters apart on Sunday evening, according to the eye witness.

The deceased officer has been identified as Kelvin Kiragu who is aged 27 years old.

Rabai OCPD Fred Abuga confirmed the incident.

Abuga said that the cop had arrested a suspect who had flouted the curfew when he was attacked with what police suspect is a sharp object.

“They had arrested a suspect and were riding on two separate motorbikes. The slain officer was on the second motorbike when he was attacked” Abuga told Baraka FM on phone.

His fellow police officer who has been identified as Brian Mwadime escaped unhurt while the Boda Boda rider who has been identified as Harrison Mwamuye sustained severe injuries and was rushed to the Holani medical center.

The attackers made away with the G3 rifle belonging to the slain cop and disappeared into a nearby thicket.

No suspect has been arrested over the incident however, Abuga added that some area residents had been taken in for questioning over the gruelling murder.

The incident comes amidst heightened tension between police officers and members of the public in Kilifi county.

Two weeks ago,police officers were forced to flee after boda boda riders started pelting them with stones in Malindi.

