Aldina to Shanzu, here’s a list of places with COVID-19 infections in Mombasa

A picture of one of the streets in Mombasa.PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa has recorded 79 cases of COVID-19 infections in the county, 20 of which were reported in the last three days.

According to the Ministry of Health, the cases have been spread out across different parts of the County, with Bondeni Old Town having four cases of the disease which is the highest number in terms of areas.

Bamburi follows with three cases while Mikindani and Kilindini-High Level have two cases each.

Aldina, Approved, Bamburi-Mwembe Legeza, Barsheba, Beach Road, Bomu, Bondeni-Mvita, Changamwe, Shanzu, Ganjoni, Gorofani, High Level (near KPA), Kilindini-Bamburi have one case each.

Other areas with a single case of the virus include: Leisure, Likoni, Mogadishu, Mamba Village, Maweni-Kongowea, Memon, Old Town, Mlango wa Papa, Mwandoni, Old Town-Engilani, Shika Adabu, Tudor, Umoja-Nyali, Kiembeni, Kisauni and Mkomani-Tamarind.

53 of the County’s cases are local transmissions while 14 are imported.

Four out of the seven cases that were reported on Tuesday, 21st April, 2020, were from Bondeni Old Town where an 84-year-old herbalist also tested positive on Saturday 18th April, 2020.

According to the Health Ministry, seven of the 79 Mombasa cases have recovered from the disease while four have died.

Generally, out of the 303 national cases, 69 mentioned that their County of residence is Mombasa. This simply means they tested positive in other Counties like Nairobi or Kilifi but are residents of Mombasa.

Neighboring Counties, Kilifi and Kwale, still have eight cases and one case respectively, all still admitted in hospitals.

To curb the spread of the disease, ensure you wash your hands regularly with soap and running water, keep social distance and follow all measure put in place by National and County governments.

