COVID-19 UPDATE: Government to impose curfew from Friday as Kenya reports first recovered case

President Uhuru Kenyatta during a past briefing. photo:file

You will not be expected to be out at night from Friday 27th March 25, 2020.

The government will be imposing a daily 7pm to 5am national curfew from Friday.

While addressing the nation at State House in Nairobi, President Uhuru Kenyatta said the 10 hours daily curfew will ensure that the country continues to follow the procedures as laid out by the Ministry of Health with regards to mitigation of COVID-19.

“This shall be in effect in the territory of the Republic of Kenya, with all movement by persons not authorized to do so or not being Medical Professionals, Health Workers, Critical and Essential Services Providers, being prohibited between those hours. The full list of Critical and Essential Service Providers shall be provided in more detail by the Ministry of Interior and National Coordination,” said President Kenyatta.

In the new measures spelt out by the President, Ferry Services will also be affected.

“Further, that with immediate effect, the management of the Kenya Ferry Services is vested in the National Police Service, the Coast Guard and the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO),” said the President.

All ferry users shall be expected to obey and follow the rules and procedures that shall be set out for crossing the ferry.

“Fellow Kenyans, social distancing, whether we like it or not, is now our new norm; it must be our new way of life until such time as we conquer this pandemic,” the head of state.

The President reiterates that the most effective way to limit the spread of the virus is through basic changes in individual behaviour and hygiene.

“I cannot but state with deep regret that we have recently experienced cases within our country where transmission was from our political and religious leaders who unfortunately failed to heed the guidance by the Ministry of Health on self-quarantine and social distancing,” he added.

First case of recovery

The government reported the first case of a Coronavirus patient who has made full recovery, President Kenyatta terming it as a clear indication that the country can, and will indeed, defeat the virus.

“Yesterday, Kenya had 25 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus, and today we have received confirmation of an additional three cases, bringing our national tally to 28 confirmed cases,” said the President.

The recovered case now brings the total number of active cases in the country to 27.

During his address, President Kenyatta directed that one billion shillings from the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) kitty, be immediately appropriated strictly towards the recruitment of additional health workers to support in the management of the spread of COVID-19.

“In that regard, I further direct the Ministry of Health, the County Governments and the Public Service Commission to expedite the recruitment process,” he said.

