Cheating husband contracts coronavirus on a trip to Italy with mistress

Medics moving a Coronavirus patient./COURTESY

If you are going to cheat on your wife or husband, ensure the country you are going to cheat at does not have reported COVID-19 cases.

A UK husband learnt this the hard way after catching Coronavirus while on a trip to Italy with his mistress.

According to a UK magazine, the unnamed patient, in his late 30s — described as “well-heeled and with a high-flying job” — told his wife he was away on a business trip within the UK, but flew to Italy with his lover.

When the man returned home, he began showing symptoms of the virus, and tests confirmed that he was in fact infected, according to the report.

“This patient is the talk of public health officials,” a source with knowledge of the situation told the Sun. “His case would be funny if it wasn’t quite so serious.”

However, the wife who has no idea what the husband was up to but thinks he picked the virus on his business trip, has isolated herself in the couple’s lavish home in Northern England.

