Akothee releases song in Kamba dialect

Musician Akothee.

Mombasa based musician Akothee has shocked her fans with her versatility by producing a song in Kamba dialect.

The hit dubbed Mwiituasa which loosely translates to ” my sister” was released early Wednesday.

In the song, madam boss extols the virtue of a strong independent Woman despite challenges she is facing.

She urges Women to stop feeling sorry for themselves even after being dumped by their husbands.

Akothee says on her YouTube page that the theme of the song is about a strong Woman despite challenges.

“Every woman should know that no amount of pity party would ever put a smile or food on the table, once you have left your parents home in the name of relationship, your life & the life of your family members ( your children) remains your responsibility. It doesn’t matter the kind of work you will do to make ends meet , all life cares about is BILLS MUST BE PAID , BE STRONG ?, ” she says on the youtube page.

