Widow sets house on fire over snake invasion

A past fire incident. A widow in Kirinyaga county accidentally set her house on fire when attempting to flush out a snake PHOTO COURTESY

A snake flushing mission in Kibingoti village in Kirinyaga County turned costly after a house got burnt in the process.

According to Citizen Digital property worth more than a million shillings was destroyed after Elizabeth Muthoni Gacheru, a primary school teacher burnt her house in an attempt to flush out a snake that had invaded her bedroom.

Ms Gacheru who happens to be a widow was washing clothes when she saw the snake sneaking into her house.

She traced the snake to her bedroom and decided to light out a piece of cloth and walked out waiting for the snake to escape.

 “I decided to light fire so that the snake could run away but I was shocked to see the whole house on fire,” Ms Gacheru said.

Efforts by fire fighters to salvage property from the house proved futile as the fire had already engulfed other rooms when they arrived.

However, the fire was put out when fire fighters from the Kirinyaga county government arrived.

It is not yet clear if the snake survived the incident.

