Heavy rains expected in the coast from Thursday


If you live anywhere in the Coast region, ensure you carry an umbrella and wear your boots on Thursday.

The Kenya Meteorological Department has announced that heavy rainfall is expected along the Coastal strip and off-shores from Thursday 23rd to Saturday 25th May.

The Met department says rains of above 40mm in 24 hours are expected on Thursday and 30mm on Friday. The rains are expected to reduce on Saturday.

“Rains to be accompanied by strong winds and may cause flooding in low lying areas near the coastline and other water repositories,” read a statement from the Director of Kenya Meteorological Department.

Counties to be affected include Mombasa, Kilifi, Kwale, Southern part of Tana River and Lamu.

Residents living in the above mentioned counties are advised to be on the lookout for flash floods.

“The heavy rains and strong winds may result in storm surges along the coast, hence fishermen and all marine industry should be on high alert,” the statement continues to read.

You should avoid walking, wading or driving through fast moving waters.

“Further advisories will be issued as we follow up on the progress of this weather event,” the statement reads.

