Mombasa family seeks justice for 17 year old assaulted by police officer

A man walks past Central Police station in Mombasa.A family is Mombasa has made a report at the police station seeking justice for their 17 year daughter who was allegedly assaulted by a police officer who happens to be her uncle PHOTO COURTESY

A family from Mombasa County is calling on the government to act to ensure they get justice for their 17 year old daughter who was allegedly assaulted by a family member who happens to be a police officer.

According to the girl whose mother preferred to identify with one name Sofia, the assault happened on Sunday evening in Old Town area when she had gone to visit her her father’s family to break the day’s fast with them.

The victim who lives with her mother as her parents are separated told journalists on Monday that trouble started when the assailant who happens to her father’s cousin started fighting with another relative.

“I decided to leave the room but he followed me and he started applying saliva when asking me who my boyfriend was, I told him I don’t have a boyfriend but he called me manner less and started chocking me. There after he started lashing at me with his belt leaving me with injuries on my ear and hands” the victim journalists.

According to the victim’s mother Rukia Abdalla, the assailant who has been identified as Hamza Yusuf claimed that he was disciplining the victim.

“He ( the assailant) threatened us that even if we decided to report, him no action would be taken against him” The victim’s mother Rukia Abdalla told journalists.

According to Haki Africa’s deputy executive director Salma Hemed  termed the incident as unacceptable calling on law enforcement officers to act with speed and take action against the police officer.

“As an organization we are giving a warning to anybody who might attempt to intimidate the family in their quest to seek justice, we will not relent” Salma told journalists.

The organization claimed that the incident had been reported at the central police station Mombasa though Baraka FM could not independently verify those claims.


