Poor state of public schools puts coastal MPs to shame

The state of some of the classrooms at Tumaini Primary School in Kinango Subcounty,Kwale.Parents of pupils schooling at Pendukiani primary school in Malindi have called on the government to intervene after the school was closed down due to lack of toilets PHOTO COURTESY

The poor state of public primary schools in parts of the region has put several coast MPs to shame.It all started with the viral images of of Mangororo primary school in Ganze Sub-county .

In the images, children in the school are seen sitting on building stones they use as sitting desks inside a flooded classroom.

Area MP Teddy Mwambire who responded to the shocking images blamed his predecessor Peter Shehe claiming that he did not allocate funds to rehabilitate schools mosr of which are in that state during his tenure.

It should be put in proper records that Ganze constituency is still struggling to get its projects allocations for the 2018/2019 financial year from the NG (National Government) – CDF (Constituency Development Fund)  following some confusing realization from the previous regime. The NG – CDF has been asking us to utilize some funds meant to complete some projects from their records which are not on the ground” Mwambire said.

However a few days later her Malindi counterpart Aisha Jumwa paid a visit to the school  donating desks and construction material.

However,the Mangororo primary school situation is not unique.

Pupils at Mangororo Primary school in Kilifi county sitting on building bricks during a rainy day PHOTO COURTESY


Several schools in Tana River, Lamu , Kilifi and Kwale are in that or worse states.

One of the schools is Jipendeni Primary school in Witu, Lamu West Constituency.

The school located in Witu area has some of its classes currently in a dilapidated state with pupils being forced to sit on makeshift pieces of timber supported by two stones which acts as a desks.


One of the classrooms in Jipendeni Primary in Lamu county PHOTO COURTESY

The school like several others in the area is mud walled with gaping holes.

Other schools in such a state in the county include Poromoko primary,Kakathe Primary school and Juhudi Primary school.

During the site handover ceremony for the construction of two classrooms in Yawa Primary last week, Lamu West MP Stanely Muthama said that his regime had decided to rehabilitate two classrooms each for all the schools that were in dire need.

“We are continuing with our priorities in terms of improving the infrastructure of our most deserving schools, so that our young learners can enjoy a conducive learning environment.” Mr Muthama said.


A classroom of Juhudi Primary school in Lamu West constituency PHOTO COURTESY

In Kwale county,Tumaini primary sits in perhaps a worst state than her sisters in Lamu county.

The school which is located in Kinango sub-county is characterized by gaping holes on its mud-walls and falling thatch-roofs in some of the classrooms.

During the 2018/2019 financial year,the Kinanngo Constituency CDF kitty set aside sh 3.6 million to be used for the construction of three classrooms in the school.

