Man slapped with 8 year jail-term over Sh 2000 bribe

The Malindi law court.The court has detained the prime suspect in the murder of German national Detering Hermann for 14 more days to allow prosecution finalize investigations PHOTO FILE

A court in Malindi on Friday slapped a man with an 8-year sentence after finding him guilty of giving out a bribe of sh 2000.

The court heard that on 10th January 2016,  Joseph Dzombo the accused gave the bribe to Obed Munyao who was then attached to the Malindi police station.

The accused had given the bribe to convince the officer to release his friend Dennis Odhiambo who had earlier been arrested over alleged possession of 200 rolls of bhang.

The alleged offense was conducted at the Matsangani roadblock along the Malindi –Mombasa road.

However, the accused asked the court for forgiveness arguing that he did not know that his friend had been arrested with possession of bhang but the Malindi Senior Principal Magistrate Silvia Wewa ruled that the accused took advantage of the trust members of the public have on police officers.

“We find that the accused was trying to abuse the trust bestowed by the people on the public officers who were on duty, the accused person was abusing that trust that the other members of the public has bestowed on them,” the Malindi Senior Principal Magistrate Silvia Wewa ruled.


