Rescue Center for GBV victims opened in Taita Taveta

Activists in Mombasa protesting over increase in Sexual Gender Based Violence./FILE

Taita Taveta, KENYA: Victims of gender based violence (GBV) in Taita Taveta who have for many years not been getting justice due to threats from perpetrators and loss of evidence will soon not have to worry about seeking justice.

The County now has a rescue center, Beyond Innocent Foundation, to provide support for GBV victims to get justice.

Speaking to the media, Beata Mghendi the Founder and director of Beyond Innocence Foundation said she offered her land and constructed a safe home for victims to keep suspects from interfering with victims confidence through threats.

According to Beata, most rape, incest and sodomy victims have been receiving life threats from the suspects while staying in the community hence forcing the victims to withdraw their cases before the Court of Law.

Beatrice Mbela, the director of Darius Mbela Foundation applauded the decision of putting up the rescue center saying it will give hope to many girls and boys who are living traumatized after being raped, sodomized or defiled.

Mbela she has been supporting girls who dropped out of school due to early marriages or lack of fees by training them on housekeeping, tailoring, and catering services and tourism.

The rescue center project also offers clean water to communities from their borehole selling it at sh.5 per 20lts.

Others like Sharlet Shirley who is a teacher and her colleagues have congratulated the putting up of the facility but they have challenged the relevant authority which includes NGO, Police, children department, Court and DPP to ensure justice will prevail since victims will be rescued and taken to the safe home.

The rescue center, located along Voi-Taveta highway and not far from the proposed County Headquarters, will incorporate a dispensary, school and church to enable the victims get counseling and training.

The management is facing financial challenges now asking any support from government, NGOs or individuals. The hostels can accommodate 100 people.

