Kwale ODM leaders ready for a by-election

Kwale Odm leaders led by chair Hassan Mwanyoha (right) and Kwale women representative Zuleikha Hassan (left) addresses media on Tuesday at their Kwale offices./Brivian Simiyu

Kwale, KENYA: Kwale ODM leaders are ready for a by-election following a decision by the party’s National Executive Committee NEC which resolved to have Msambweni Member of parliament Suleiman Dori and his Malindi counterpart Aisha Jumwa expelled from the party.

Led by its Chair Hassan Mwanyoha, the leaders said that they are prepared to field their own preferred candidate who will raise high the ODM flag in Msambweni constituency.

“We are ready for a by-election which we intend to elect a new leader and do away with the rebel Member of parliament for Msambweni,” said Mwanyoha.

On her part, Kwale women representative Zuleikha Hassan faulted the rebel Mps for going against the party rules by supporting a Jubilee candidate for 2022 presidency.

She said that the lawmakers should carry their own cross and not blame the party for their predicaments.

“Every party is governed by its own rules and regulations and therefore I don’t understand why Dori and Jumwa are supporting a presidential candidate from another party,” said Zuleikha.

At the same time, Kwale assembly majority leader Joseph Ndeme argued that ODM is determined to retain the Msambweni parliamentary seat in case a by-election is held.

The ODM leaders who spoke on Tuesday in Kwale county also defended Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho on claims that he is compromising Uhuru – Raila pact by trying to sabotage the ambitions of deputy president William Ruto for 2022 presidency.

They dismissed the reports which they termed as baseless and ill-intended saying that the handshake was meant to bring peace and tranquility in the country.

“We won’t allow our party leaders especially Raila Odinga and Hassan Joho to be insulted because if they continue to do so we will deal with them accordingly,” said Mwanyoha.

This comes even as leaders from the Rift valley led by Nandi Governor Stephen Sang and Nandi Senator Samson Cherargey criticized Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho for allegedly intending to interfere with the handshake spirit by aiming to discredit deputy president William Ruto presidential candidature in 2022.

