Drama as Naiboi and Kristoff are detained in Mombasa

Artists Naiboi, Kristoff. The artists were briefly detained in a bank in Mombasa./ Tom Mbayeye

Mombasa, KENYA: There was drama at a local media house in Mombasa as guest artists were forced to finish their interview midway after police accompanied with county askaris stormed the media house demanding to see them.

It all started when the guest artists, Naiboi and Kristoff accompanied with their photographers got to the building housing the media house, where they were set to have an interview in the station’s drive show.

As is normal with artists, the two chose to shoot a short film while entering the building.

When they got to the main entrance, they were told they couldn’t film from there and directed to use other entrances.

“We were just filming; we did not know there were police officers at that entrance. One of them asked why we were filming them which we replied we were not,” said Naiboi.

Naiboi says they thought it had all ended there but were surprised midway in the interview when they were informed that police were looking for them at the stations reception area.

“They asked us to delete the video, which we did,” he said.

The two were then taken by the police and detained in a bank in the building’s ground floor.

They were released an hour later.

