Fuel prices down from today

Pump prices go down in new fuel prices./COURTESY

You will pay less to fuel your car from today.

According to the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) monthly review, Super Petrol prices went down by sh.9.33, with Diesel and Kerosene going down by sh.10.04 and sh.3.52 respectively.

“The changes in this month’s prices have been as a consequence of the average landed cost of imported super petrol decreasing by 14.87% from US$ 694.18 per ton in November to US$ 590.92 in December. Diesel decreasing by 14.71% from US$ 722.17 to US$ 615.97 per ton and Kerosene decreasing by 8.62% from US$ 678.57 to US$ 620.05 per ton,” said ERC.

Mombasa residents will now purchase a litre of super petrol at sh.101.60, diesel at sh.99.63 and kerosene sh.99.09.

Those living in Nairobi will get the products at sh.104.21 for super petrol, sh.102.24 for diesel and sh.101.70 kerosene.

The prices will run until 14th of February when ERC releases the new prices.

