Woman who faked pregnancy charged in court

Saida Abdulkarim Bakar and her husband Mohamed Abdulkarim at the Mombasa law courts on Tuesday PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: A 20-year old Mombasa woman who allegedly faked her abduction in September 2018,  was on Tuesday was charged for allegedly giving false information to public officers.

Saida Abdulkarim Bakar was charged before Mombasa resident magistrate Christine Ongweno alongside her husband Mohamed Abdulkarim.

The court heard that on 24th September 2018, at Coast Provincial General Hospital, Saida informed Doctor Nafsa Mohamed that she had been pregnant for eight months and after her abduction, on 20th September her abductors procured her abortion.

According to police Saida knew or believed the information was false, intending to have the Doctor to record a medical examination report in her favor which she ought not to have done if the true state of facts was given.

On the other hand, Saida’s husband was charged for allegedly giving false information to police constable Cyrus Mbugua.

Court heard Mohamed Abdulkarim on the 20th September at Makupa police station lied that his wife who was eight months pregnant went missing after she had informed her mother that she was taking a flight to Lamu.

Both denied charges before Mombasa resident magistrate Christine Ogweno and ordered each accused person released on a surety of Sh.100, 000.

The case will be heard on 24th September.

