Businessman Praful Kumar’s Grand Manor Hotel demolished

Grand Manor Hotel being demolished./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Nairobi businessman Praful Kumar Saula’s Grand Manor hotel in Gigiri has been demolished.

The hotel adjacent to the United Nations offices in Gigiri was brought down on Thursday morning; just two days after a Nairobi court gave the County government a nod to demolish it.

Tycoon arrested in Kilifi for trying to bribe Governor Sonko

The owner, Praful Kumar, was arrested by Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) detectives in August this year and charged with three counts of bribery.

Businessman who tried to bribe Governor Sonko charged in Mombasa

He was arrested in Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s Kanamai home in Kilifi, trying to bribe the governor to facilitate approval of the hotel which was under construction.

