Police arrest suspect behind the abduction of Italian Woman

Italian tourist Silvia Romano who was abducted in Malindi. PHOTO:courtesy

A man suspected of kidnapping Italian Woman at Chakama village in Malindi has been arrested.

Ibrahim Omar who is among three suspected kidnappers of Silvia Romano was arrested on Tuesday at Bangale, Tana River County.

Confirming the incident, Coast regional Administration Police commander boss James Akoru said the suspect is being interrogated to established the whereabouts of the 23 year old.

Police also recovered an AK-47 rifle, a magazine and 100 round of ammunition.

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Two other suspects Yusuf Kun and Said Adan Abdi are still at large.

Milano was kidnapped after attackers armed with AK 47 rifles raided Chakama center, 80 kilometers from Malindi on November 24.

READ ALSO:Police in pursuit of gang that kidnapped Italian lady in Malindi

She was a volunteer of Africa Milele Onlus, an NGO operating in the area.

Police offered Sh3 million reward for information leading to the arrest of three men accused of abducting the Italian Woman.



