Are you losing yourself when emulating your role model?

Are you losing yourself in the process of emulating your role model? PHOTO COURTESY

Today I woke up feeling excited, and that has been the experience since I started working in my new office.
Meeting time was here and I was given an assignment by my editor and by 12 noon I was done.

As I was swinging on my chair, my mind raced back to the experiences I have been having over the past few weeks that have enabled me discover who I really am.

Well the story does not begin a few weeks back but rather years ago.

One evening I was watching a piece by investigative journalist turned Nyali legislator Mohamed Ali.

I was really moved by his piece and how it highlighted the voice of those who had no one to speak on their behalf.
I was also moved by how the victims narrated their experiences to Ali, hopeful that his exposé could change their situation not forgetting his voice oops! Honestly I still love it.

And that’s when I decided that in future, I will pursue a career in journalism.

I had my eyes fixed on investigative journalism and I so bad wanted to sound like “The detective” as I had nicknamed him at the back of my mind.

I wanted to ensure justice is served to the less fortunate, oops, bad choice as we journalist are storytellers not judges.

And I worked hard ,was accepted in journalism school where I enjoyed every bit of the practical’s in school.

Flash-forward to a few weeks ago:

I was seated on my desk doing a review of the day that was just about to end.

“Hey Vivian, voice this script. We need to use this for the evening jopo la kaunti program” my thoughts were interrupted by one of my producers.

I was abit nervous as I was still learning the nitty-gritty’s on how to voice a perfect script but anyway life is a learning process and I always kept saying that to myself.

Midway through the voicing I was interrupted by one of my colleagues who was waiting on standby so that she could voice her script too.

“Who are you imitating?” she interjected.

Before I could answer she continued:

“You don’t have to sound like Ali so that you can consider yourself a good journalist. Just be yourself and let the one listening know that you are Vivian not the girl that sounds like Mohammed Ali “. She advised.

I was surprised, I had not even noticed that all through journalism school I had tried to emulate my role model so much that I lost myself in the process.

I really admire Ali and his contribution to the field of investigative journalism cannot be ignored but however much I admire him I have to carve my own path.

And that was another life lesson that I will pass down to my kids, grandkids and great grandkids.

Everyone has his or her own Mohammed Ali who is the role model they look up to, But as much as you want to be like that person you have to remember that and you are not him or her.

You have your own unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.

Since then I am Vivian Mwikindu and not a mini Mohammed Ali.

