Lamu to rotate staff posted in hardship zones

Lamu Governor Fahim Twaha. The governor plans on tappinh into the waters of River Tana to provide fresh water for the county./COURTESY

Lamu, KENYA: The county government of Lamu will conduct frequent rotational transfers of all staff posted to renowned hardship areas, governor Fahim Twaha has said.

Speaking when he issued appointment letters to newly hired medical staff at the King Fahad Hospital on Monday,Twaha said all staff posted to hardship areas also known as terror hotspots like Basuba in Boni forest, Kiunga, Ishakani, Mkokoni, Kiwayu, Pandanguo and parts of Witu shall be transferred from time to time.

Twaha said there will be no favor or special treatment for any of those hired in terms of where they will be posted and urged them to work and ensure the county development agenda is met.

The governor said the move is meant to ensure fairness by ensuring all county staff get to work in every region in the county whether or not they will be in their comfort zones.

“We shall be making frequent rotations for all those posted to hardship areas. We are thinking of doing it every three months or so. It will be unfair for someone to work for a whole year in a place like Basuba while others are here in Lamu town. We want to be fair to all and that’s why we shall rotate you guys. Everyone must work in the hardship areas,no special treatment about that,” said Twaha.

Lamu county has had a challenge hiring medical staff to work in terror-prone areas in the county.

Previous vacancy advertisements were not able to attract a single applicant willing to work in these areas even after handsome remuneration packages were offered.

Hospitals, dispensaries, and schools in terror-prone areas have remained closed after staff fled citing direct Al Shabaab threats on their lives.

Several dispensaries and schools have also been vandalized and torched in the process.

The recent hiring by the county government will be the first in about four years since 2014 when the others fled.

Similarly, the governor also announced that plans were underway to build modern staff quarters for all county staff all around the region.

Twaha says they are currently acquiring lands for that purpose.

He said the staff quarters will be built close to the places of work so as to ensure maximum safety and comfort for staff.

“If you’re are a doctor, for instance, we shall have the quarters right next to the hospital or dispensary so that you don’t strain while rendering your services. This will kick off very soon because we understand the urgency,” said Twaha.

He said the county was also working on improving all feeder roads leading to various institutions in Lamu so as to ease access by locals and staff.

The governor also revealed that the county had set aside Sh.20 Million to help provide further training for medical staff to improve service delivery.

