CS Kiunjuri in trouble for snubbing parliament summons

Former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri who launched The Service Party of Kenya on Wednesday./COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: National Assembly committee on Agriculture has summoned Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri to appear before the committee promptly.

Speaking to the press at parliament buildings, committee chair Adan Hajji aired frustrations of the committee after the cabinet secretary failed to appear before the committee to shed light on issues affecting his ministry especially corruption allegations rocking the maize sector.

“We convened here at 10:00 am and according to article 153 which requires the cabinet secretary to respond to questions, relating to matters which they are responsible to,”Hajji said.

He said that the committee has been looking for Kiunjuri for the past two months, snubbing the initial invitations which were scheduled as from August.

The chair said that it is incorrect for the CS to keep on snubbing such cardinal house committee meetings which are meant to give clarification to the country on the mess in the sector .

The committee reiterated that it has been prompted to summon him after failing to appear before it four times, a move the chair indicated is unacceptable.

“For that matter we are sending out a summon, to CS Kiunjuri to appear before this Honorable committee latest Tuesday next week failure to which we will invoke other standing orders which are very clear,” Hajji said

