Obado admitted at KNH after falling ill in prison

Obado in court./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Migori County Governor Zachary Okoth Obado has been admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital after he fell ill while at Industrial Area prison where he is being remanded.

According to Citizen Digital, the governor, who has been in remand since last week after he was denied bail, has been admitted at KNH private wing.

Obado is a suspect in the gruesome murder of second year Rongo University Student Sharon Otieno, who was seven months pregnant with the governors child at the time of her death.

Meanwhile, Sharon will be buried on the 19th of this month at her grandfather’s compound in Homa Bay.

Sharon will be buried next to the seven-month old foetus, which was also killed in the gruesome murder, that was buried three weeks ago.

Sharon was kidnapped alongside Nation journalist Barack Oduor early last month and later found murdered and dumped at K’Odera forest in Homa Bay.

