I am ready for a “hug” with Bedzimba, says Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo

Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader Raila Odinga’s handshake continues to win hearts.

The recent pair of political rivals to embrace the handshake spirit is Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo and his long time rival former MP Rashid Bedzimba.

In an interview on Chanja Maswala hosted by Sammy Mwaura on Baraka FM, Mbogo said he is ready for a hug with Bedzimba, leave alone a hand shake.

Mbogo says it’s high time for him {Bedzimba}, to keep off his ego, and bring a new start to Kisauni politics.

“I am open and I even told governor Joho who is his friend, I told him you have a chance to bring us together, politics is over, enmity is over and it’s time to serve Kisauni people,” said Mbogo.

Bedzimba has been a thorn in the political flesh of Ali Mbogo, especially before and even after 2017 elections where Mbogo was declared the winner.

Bedzimba made it difficult for the Wiper politician to comfortably celebrate his victory by taking him to court and appealing the High Court decision which made him the winner.

However, the Court of Appeal upheld his win.

