Mudavadi calls on MPs to impeach CS Rotich


Nairobi, KENYA: Amani National Congress party leader Musalia Mudavadi has called on members of parliament to impeach treasury cabinet secretary Henry Rotich following the passage of 8 percent fuel levy.

In a media briefing at the party headquarters in Nairobi on Friday, Mudavadi said MPs are supposed to use article 152 to impeach the CS indicating that it does not require 233 thresholds to impeach him.

He said that some custodians of other ministries especially the ministry of trade and agriculture too should be impeached for mismanagement.

“Parliament can be of use by doing its part in removing non-performing and corrupt state officers through  impeachment ‘Mudavadi said

“MPs should exercise their powers under article 152 (6) –(10) of the constitution to move and pass a motion to have relevant cabinet secretaries dismissed.”He added

He said that parliamentarians should use the impeachment as an avenue  to bring sanity into  respective ministries

He blasted the government for imposing taxes on Wananchi yet CS Rotich is the one who executed huge borrowing of funds whose debt has bulged to 5.4 trillion.

He argued that the government’s move is ill-formed pointing out that common the  Mwananchi has taxed almost one-third of their income.

He also slammed house speaker Justin Muturi on fiasco which was witnessed in parliament during the debate on of 2018 Financial amendment bill.

