Rafiki film to run for an Oscar after high court temporarily lifts ban

A scene from the Rafiki film which was banned over alleged promotion of lesbianism in Kenya PHOTO COURTESY

The high court has temporarily lifted the ban on Kenyan Film Rafiki to allow it to be submitted for nomination at the Oscar awards.

Rafiki was banned by the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) on the 27th of April 2018 saying it promotes lesbianism.

Justice Wilfrida Okwany has lifted the ban temporarily for 7 days and allowed screening of the film to adults willing to watch it.

Rafiki was to be submitted to the Oscar awards 2019 in the best foreign language category and following the ban by KFCB the writer and director of the film Wanuri Kahiu sued the board and its executive director Ezekiel Mutua.

After the ruling Wanuri took to Twitter to express her joy.

“I am crying. In a French airport. In SUCH Joy! Our constitution is STRONG! Give thanks to freedom of expression!!!! WE DID IT! We will be posting about Nairobi screening soon. Follow @rafikimovie” read her tweet.

The film whose title translates to ‘friend’ in English is a tale of two young women in love but their relationship is opposed by their family and the community at large.

Rafiki premiered at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in May in France, making it the first ever Kenyan film to showcase at the international festival.

