NGO wants those mentioned in Sharon Otieno’s murder to cooperate with investigative bodies

Members of the Umilo Wa Akamba organization during the press briefing.PHOTO/ Michael Mbugua

Nairobi, KENYA: Those adversely mentioned in the murder of Sharon Otieno should cooperate with the relevant authorities carrying out investigations into the murder.

A Non-governmental organization dubbed ‘Umilo Wa Akamba’ also want those mentioned to provide necessary assistance when needed.

Addressing the media on Thursday, in Nairobi, Umilo Wa Akamba chairman James Kimeu said that, no human being deserved to lose his/her life in the brutal manner in which Sharon was murdered.

“Chapter four of the constitution of Kenya and in particular Article 26 gives Sharon Otieno and her unborn baby and any Kenyan right to life,” said Kimeu.

They also demanded that, all telecommunication service providers release to the investigative agencies the last communication logs/details of Sharon to enable speedy realization of justice for the victims.

Government Spokesman Eric Kiraithe last week condemned Sharon’s murder and nation reporter Barack Oduor’s abduction, saying the matter will be expeditiously investigated and the perpetrators of the heinous act punished.

Migori county governor Okoth Obado on Wednesday confessed to have an affair with the 26 years old university student Sharon Otieno, whose body was found in a thicket in Homa Bay last week on Tuesday.

During his questioning in Kisumu on Tuesday, Mr Obado also told detectives that he planned to buy Ms Otieno a house. He did not explicitly say the baby Ms Sharon was carrying was his, but did not deny it either.

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations’ Homicide Investigations Unit, Serious Crimes Unit, Special Crimes Prevention Unit and the Cybercrime Investigations Unit have been trying to piece together the murder by taking statements from witnesses, the suspects arrested so far, journalist Barrack Oduor , and the Governor and some of his close associates like Michael Oyamo.

