Investigations into Sharon Otieno’s murder ongoing, says DPP

Director of Public prosecutions Noordin Mohammed Haji ./COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Investigations into Sharon Otieno’s murder are ongoing, Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji has said.

Speaking in Mombasa, the DPP said all those who are linked in the murder will face the law.

“Investigations sometimes takes time, you have to be patient. You cannot expect for us to have answers to prosecute immediately a murder occurs. There is a process; there’s DNA to be looked into, there are several theories that have been put forward- those too have to be looked into and exhaustively pursued to their conclusion,” said Haji.

He said no one will be spared.

“Investigations are ongoing, at the right time when we feel that the governor should be arrested then that will be done, that will definitely be done,” said Haji.

“We have no sacred officials that will be left, whether you are a governor or not you have to face the law,” The DPP added.

Sharon Otieno, a second year Rongo University student, was abducted together with Nation Media journalist, Barrack Oduor, who managed to escape, earlier this week.

An autopsy carried out on Friday revealed that Sharon, who was seven months pregnant at the time of her death, was strangled, stabbed eight times and possibly raped by her assailants. Her unborn baby also stabbed.

Haji was speaking at a press conference at the HAKI Africa offices in Mombasa, where he received a report on extrajudicial killings in the coast.

