Abdul Kiba’s marriage hits rock bottom three months after wedding

Abdul Kiba and Rwahida during their wedding in April PHOTO COURTESY

Three months after holding an extravangant wedding in the Tanzanian capital Dares Salaam, Ali Kiba’s brother Abdul Kibextravagant has reportedly hit rock bottom.

This is according to Tanzania’s Global Publishers that reported Abdul’s wife Rwahida  had moved out of their matrimonial home accusing Abdul of  being a party animal and neglecting her.

The sources further stated that Abdul had only married Rwahida after bowing to pressure from his family to get married. “Yaani Abdul kiukweli hana mapenzi kabisa na mkewe nafikiri alimuoa kwa shinikizo litakuwa la wazazi lakini sio mwanamke ambaye amempenda kutoka moyoni kwa sababu mara nyingi mwanamuziki huyo unamkuta Ilala mpaka saa nane usiku ndio anaenda kwake na wala hana muda wa kuongea na mkewe huyo,” (Abdul has no love for his wife. I think he married out of pressure from his parents and not out of love because most of the times time you will find him at Ilala and  he goes home at 2am having no time to talk with the wife), the publication reported.

It is well remembered that earlier in the year when reports surfaced that their parents were putting pressure on Ali, Abdul and Zabibu to get married, Abdul distanced himself from reports that he was to get married on the same day with his brother Ali Kiba only for the contrary to happen.

“Ali ndio anayetarajiwa kuvuta jiko mwezi ujao(Ali is the one who is tying the knot next month)” Abdul said.

When the publication reached out to Abdu Kiba to comment on the matter Abdu directed them to his manager Rehema who maintained the two were intact saying Abdul loved his freedom and people may be jumping to conclusions when they don’t see the two together.

 Unajua Abdu ni tofauti sana na Ally, yeye mara nyingi anapenda sana kuwa huru sana hivyo watu wakimuona pekee yake wanafikiria hivyo lakini sivyo au wengine wanasema kwa nini hamposti mkewe…” (You know Abdu is very different from Ally.He loves his freedom and when people see him alone or not posting his wife people tend to jump to conclusions) she said.

Rehema who was with Abdul’s wife when she was called handed Abdu’s wife the phone to explain and speak for herself

“Hakuna ukweli wowote mimi na mume wangu tupo vizuri tu kama kawaida hakuna kitu kama hicho,” (The is no truth in that. My husband and I are in good terms) said Rwahima.

This comes just a week after Ali and Abdul’s sister Zabibu Kiba tied the knot with his South African based footballer fiancé.


