Will the 5-10% decrease in Milk production affect market prices?

Milk in a shelve at one of the supermarkets. PHOTO: COURTESY.

You’ll not have to worry about not taking your usual cup of tea because of milk prices.

The Ministry of Agriculture Chief Administrative Secretary Andrew Tuimur is assuring you that the 5-10% decrease in milk production during the cold season will not increase prices in the market.

In an interview with Baraka FM on Friday, the CAS said that the recently experienced cold weather was ending and that the warmth will allow fodder to grow hence increase production.

“In the last 1-2 months, we’ve been experiencing very cold weather which affected fodder growth. This in turn impacted on the milk production which went down by 5-10%. However, we expect an increase in production soon now that the weather is becoming warmer.” said Tuimur.

Tuimur also said that processors had stocked on milk powder just in case of a shortage, hence prices won’t be affected.

On the question of milk prices in the future, the CAS says that if production increases then milk prices will be expected to go down.

“If there’s better production, then definitely the prices in supermarkets will have to go down, though not immediately, we do not expect them to go any further up,” said the CAS.

Currently, milk prices range from sh40-60 depending on the brand. Other consumers have opted to use the Milk ATMs which seem to be less pricey.

