Mystery as seven black rhinos die after translocation to Tsavo

A KWS that was used to trans-locate the Rhino's at PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:The Kenya wildlife service has launched investigations into the death of 7 black Rhinos that died at the Tsavo East   National Park

According to sources at the service, the seven Rhinos have died under unclear circumstances just days after they were relocated  from the Nairobi National Park.

A total of 8 rhinos were trans located during the exercise.

The translocation exercise was part of the broader plan by the service in collaboration with the  Wild Wide Foundation- Kenya to create more secure space with suitable habitat for the Rhinos and it was flagged off by Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala on 3rd July.

KWS is yet to issue a statement over the cause of death of the rhinos after highly publicizing the translocation exercise.

Calls to the KWS spokesperson Paul Gathithu went unanswered.

KWS kicks off translocation exercise of 14 rhinos to Tsavo

According the   source who requested anonymity ,the Tourism CS Najib Balala had ordered investigations into the cause of death before an official statement could be issued

Another source confirmed that a total of 14 Rhino’s 8 from the Nairobi national park and 4 from the Lake Nakuru national park were to be relocated to the Tsavo , however, none  had been translocated  from the Lake Nakuru national park so far.

The World Wildlife foundation which partnered with KWS during the translocation exercise said it was deeply concerned  with the reports.

” We are deeply extremely concerned  to hear reported  that seven black Rhinos  have died at Tsavo East National park  after being moved from Nairobi and Lake Nakuru national parks  as part of translocation program by KWS .. At the time when three Rhino’s are poached in average  a day for their horns, any losses are particularly painful .WWF is in contact with KWS to confirm  the full situation and offer our support in launching an urgent independent assessment  of what happened” the WWF-Kenya CEO Mohamed Aweer said on Friday.

This is a blow to the wildlife community as they count huge loss just months after the death of Sudan, the last Male Northern White Rhino at the Olpejeta conservancy in Laikipia County

The International Union for Conservation of Nature( IUCN)  has listed the black Rhino as critically endangered owing poaching and loss of habitat.

Kenya has a population of slightly over 700 black Rhino’s.

