FGM practices reduce in Kenya, shows report


Nairobi, KENYA: With the high-rise of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Kenya is reported to have reduced the practice by 27 percent from 38 percent since the year 1998.

Speaking to journalist on Monday in Nairobi, prof. Jaldesa Guyo an expert in women affairs in association with Federation of women lawyers of Kenya FIDA, said Kenya has been leading in advocating the war against FGM which has resulted to decrease in the practice.

Guyo added that the reason as to why the figure has come down, is because of increased awareness, knowing of its harmful consequences and being aware of human rights.

However, Guyo argued that the 21 percent which is like one-fifth of 48 million Kenyans population, as a high number of people that should be freed from harmful consequences.

“It is a very good progress and that progress must continue as the government through the ministry of Health and gender has been advocating against the practice,” Said Guyo.

Passing of law against the FGM is regarded as another progress Kenya made in fighting this odd against women.

In other countries like Egypt, Ethiopia and other West African countries, the practice is estimated to hit at 70 percent.

The expert further said that despite the practice is taken as a cultural practice in many communities, it has a lot of consequences like women mortalities, babies death when they are being born which should not be allowed to continue at this time of era.

In Kenya, although is reporting a slow decline as recorded, 28 countries, in particular, continues with the act with Somalia leading at 98 percent, Sierra Leone 90 percent together with Ethiopia among other countries.

Some of Ethics groups that support FGM in the country include; Somalia at 93.6, Abagusii at 84.4, Maasai at 78, Taita Taveta at 62, Kalenjin at 48, Embu at43, Meru at 41, Kikuyu at 33, Kamba at 27 among others.

Some of the cultural reasons given for the act include:

Sexual moral which is said to reduce sexual drift to secure premarital chastity, marry right partner, marital chastity, decent behavior, preserve and prove virginity.

Fertility and birth, where they say it maintain fetus and humidity and that clitoris endanger child’s health among others.

The report shows that people tend to believe that FGM performed by doctors will reduce the health risk and/or stop its immediate complications.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), it estimated that more than 18 percent of all FGM are being performed by health care providers and the trend towards medicalization is increasing.

FGM is said to violate the Human Rights to health which people should shun from practicing it.

