42 gambling machines burnt in Likoni as crackdown intensifies

Jane Machara leading the exercise PHOTO EMMANUEL MCHONJI

Mombasa,KENYA:42 gambling machines were on Thursday burnt in Likoni as part of a countywide crackdown on illegal gambling dens machines and dens .

The exercise follows a presidential order to ban gambling machines known as ‘mchina’ and illicit brew.
Talking with media today Ms. Jane Machara who was representing the Likoni deputy county commissioner said that they had managed to seize majority of the machines in the county but were on the lookout for persons operating the machines from their residential houses.

“We were able to burn 42 gamble machines and there other machine which are still hidden…” she said.
Ms. Machara blamed the machine on increase in crime and increased wrangles among families.
“The gaming machine is fueling crime” she added.

On Wednesday last week the Regional coordinator Benard Leparamaral warned chiefs who are entertaining operation of the gambling machines in theirs that they would be fired.

Leperamal was speaking when he lead a similar exercise that was 50 machines set ablaze in Kisauni subcounty.

