300 families rescued from Tana River floods

Bura village five in Tana River County where the flooding has occurred. PHOTO: CHIDULU SAID.

Tana River, KENYA: Hundreds of residents have been misplaced and left homeless as floods continue to cause havoc in Tana River and Kilifi counties.

Tana river is badly hit by the floods as areas of Gamba, Garsen and Panda nguo areas are completely submerged, while areas of Galana gulalu and sabaki river were the areas affected in Kilifi county.

Speaking to journalists at the police headquarters in Mombasa, Coast Region commander Noah Mwivanda confirmed that rescue operations that are ongoing have been successful and they have managed to rescue 300 households to safer grounds.

The rescue operations are being conducted by the Kenya airforce, national police service and Kenya navy divers and will continue until the stranded are brought to safety.

The regional commander was quick to dispel rumours that Kengen engineers had opened the Kiambere dam hence causing the floods and clarified that the floods were coming from elsewhere and not within the coastal region.

“My appeal to wananchi in this areas is that they heed to the advice we are getting from the meteorological department to move to the safer ground not to wait for water to reach their homesteads.” said commander Noah.

This he says will make it easy for food stuff and utilities to be dropped to them.

On matters security, the coast region commander assured the residents of Mombasa county of security saying criminal gangs comprising of youths have been tamed and the issue of gang re-emergence is all a fallacy.

Commander Noah also clarified on the issue of night weddings that had many talking, saying no night wedding has been banned.

However, he asked all those intending to conduct night weddings to inform the police of their activities

