PAC unbowed by IEBC resignations, grilling to continue

IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba (L) together with IEBC commision chair Wafula Chebukati (R) in a past meeting.PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Parliamentary Accounts Committee  (PAC ) says its unbowed by the developments at IEBC on the shock resignation of three commissioners and says it will proceed undeterred with the audit queries at the center of the storm between CEO Ezra Chiloba and Chair Wafula Chebukati.

Chair Opiyo Wandayi says the Committee is concerned about the issues gripping the electoral body and vows to continue executing its mandate without fear or favour.

The news of the resignations come at a time when the committee is probing the document on the audit of financial year 2014/15 and 2016.

The committee has this morning invited the embattled Chair  Wafula Chebukati to appear next week Monday with a document that the committee says it is being used to effect changes at the commission.

Other queries include the controversial leasing of biometric kits to Burundi.

In a press conference in Nairobi, IEBC vice chair Connie Nkatha Maina, MargaretMwachanya and Paul Kurgat faulted the chair Wafula Chebukati’s ability to lead the commission leading to mass resignations of commissioners.

“For far too long and way too many times, the commission chair has failed to be steady and stable.”They said

They argued that under Chebukati’s leadership, the commission has been peddling with mere misinformation thus brewing mistrust among the commissioners.

They maintained they had no faith in Chebukati, they insisted the nullified August elections were properly done.

