IPOA begins probe into incident of police attacking man at parking lot

A video grab of the incident PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:The independent policing oversight Authority has began probing into an incident in which a police officer was caught on camera assaulting a man in a parking lot.

In an announcement on Friday, the Authority urged on members of the public to volunteer information that could aid in investigations.

“IPOA is appealing to anyone with information on the social media viral video of a police officer assault on a man in a parking lot to contact the Authority urgently to facilitate investigations” The authority said.
The video which surfaced online on Thursday evening shows a man dressed in police uniform apprehending a civilian in a parking lot forcing him to lie on the ground before before he proceeds to step on his neck and stomach.
The national police service has said that they are verifying the authenticity of the video before stern action can be taken against the police officer .

“Our attention has been drawn to a video clip circulating in the social media of a Police officer allegedly assaulting an individual. We do not approve of it. We are reviewing the video clip to verify it’s authenticity and shall take stern action aganist the officer once proven” The National police service said on Friday.
Kenyan police officers have in the past few months been on the spotlight for using brutality and excessive force against civilians.
On Thursday the high court in Nairobi jailed a former police officer Titus Musila for killing Kevin Mwangi a suspected armed gangster in 2013.

