NASA legislators threaten to amend constitution following Miguna’s second ouster

ODM chairperson John Mbadi (centre) addresses journalists after a Nasa parliamentary group meeting on October 10, 2017. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi,KENYA:National Super Alliance members of parliament have reacted with outrage on government’s move  to deport NRM leader Miguna Miguna to Dubai after being drugged,ordering for the immediate return of Miguna into the country.

Led by minority Leader John Mbadi and Budalangi Mp Raphael Wanjala,the MPs condemned the government for continuously defying court orders threatening to ammend the constitution so that Cabinet Secretaries appointed are from parliament.

“We wish to express our deepest disappointment with the turn of evemts surrounding and leading to the second deportation of Mr Miguna Miguna from Kenya his country of birth.”Mbadi said

“But it is unfortunate that the same government citing the need to obey the law refused to do the same in the case of Miguna Miguna.”He added

The legislators also wondered why Miguna was cleared by all state agencies to vie for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat if at all he wasn’t a Kenyan.

The Mps called on the government to exercise restraint and respect the dignity and freedoms of Kenyans so as to salvage the handshake initiative between President Uhuru Kenyatta and NASA leader Raila Odinga in bid to unify the cracks being witnessed among Kenyans.

However, Jubilee allied legislators say they do not find any fault by the government in regards to Miguna Miguna’s second deportation.

In a quick rejoinder Kieni Member of parliament Kanini Kega,said that the government did not defy any court orders as the self proclaimed NRM general Miguna Miguna did not have any documents needed to be allowed entry into the country and he also declined to fill the Visa forms as its the procedure at the point of  entry into a country for  facilitation.

In his first Facebook post this morning, on his arrival in Dubai, Miguna claimed to be very sick and needed medical attention very urgently.

