Drama as Tana River Woman locked inside toilet for six hours

Women and Children queuing outside a toilet. PHOTO: GOOGLE

Tana River,KENYA: There was drama in Bura town in Tana River County after a woman was locked in the toilet for six hours by a caretaker.

The lady caretaker is said to have taken the drastic measure to punish the Woman for using the toilet without permission.

She was visiting her relative when she went for a short call but when the caretaker saw her, she immediately locked her in.

According to witnesses, the caretaker was overheard saying that she was under strict instructions from her Landlord not to allow strangers to use the toilets in that residential house.

Police had to intervene to rescue the Woman who had stayed in the latrine from 6:00am up to 11:00 am.

This comes as a campaign to raise awareness on the need to have latrines to help curb cholera outbreak in the County kicked off today (Saturday).

Three people recently succumbed to cholera in Tana River County.

