MPs accuse Iranian ambassador to Kenya of alleged undiplomatic practices

Iranian ambassador to Kenya Dr Hadi Farajvand addressing the media during a past event. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Members of parliament have raised concerns over what they term as undiplomatic practices by the Iranian ambassador to Kenya Dr. Hadi Farajvand accusing him of subverting the justice in Kenya with intention of aiding convicted terrorists.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings on Thursday,Nyaribari Chache legislator Richard Tongi and Yatta MP Charles Kilonzo said that the ambassador is protecting the alleged terrorists to have them out of the judicial process.

“We have been informed that tthe ambassador is actively involved in compromising key government official to ensure that Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammed and Sayed Mansour Mousa ,the two Iranians who were arrested in June 2012 ,charged and convicted for smuggling into Kenya explosives to carry out terror attacks are set free.”Kilonzo said.

The MPs said that the ambassador colludes with the top government officials especially from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to aid his tendencies.

They also accuse the ambassador of extorting money from Iranian and Kenyan businessmen in the guise of facilitating lucrative contracts.

They allege that the Iranian business community in Nairobi are fearful of the ambassador’s activities as they threaten their well being and have the potential of damaging not only their genuine businesses but also ties between the two countries.

They demanded that the foreign affairs foreign cabinet secretary Dr. Monica Juma ought to intervene as they quizzed whether the ministry is aware of the envoy’s alleged tendencies.

The legislators alluded that the ambassador’s practices go against the 1961 Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and the 1979 decree on ambassadors’ powers is the promotion of smooth relations between the host and the home countries.

