Kilifi County CECs take oath of office

Ms.Maureen Mnyazi Mwangovya-CEC Gender,Social services,Culture and Sports takes oath of office at Kilifi County Governors office. PHOTO: GRACE MITHAMO.

Kilifi, KENYA: A ten-member cabinet of the Kilifi County executive arm of Government Thursday took their oath of office, promising to help the governor deliver his promise to the people in developing Kilifi.

Speaking during the swearing in Ceremony at the Governor’s offices, Professor Gabriel Katana, the new CEC member for Education and Information and Communication Technology, promised to bring the heights of education to high levels and standards.

“I hereby promise the people of Kilifi County that I will ensure the levels and standards of early childhood education are high,” Professor Katana said.

Maureen Munyazi Mwangovya, CEC member for Gender, promised to counter gender-based violence amicably to reduce the increasing cases in the County.

“I will deal with the increasing cases of gender-based violence in this County to ensure a conducive environment is created for every gender,” she said.

In his speech, Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi congratulated the cabinet saying it has been a heavy task forming his team as he had to put a lot into consideration.

He said for the first time he decided to bring in intellectuals to enhance smooth running of the development project and projections of the County.

“I first and foremost want to congratulate you all who made it to this term’s cabinet,” Kingi said.

“It has been a tough task to come up with this cabinet as this time around I was looking for as many intellectuals as possible, unlike the past cabinet. But I want also to warn you that I will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone. So I expect performance and not laxity,” he warned.

The cabinet Members are Samuel Kombe Nzai (Finance and Economic planning), Dr. Anisa Ahmed Omar (Health Services), Mwachitu Kiringi (Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry), Charles Dadu (Lands, Energy, Housing and Urban Development), Professor Josphat Mwatelah (Roads, Public works and Transport), Professor Gabriel Katana (Education and ICT), Maureen Munyazi Mwangovya (Gender, Social services, Culture and Sports), Nahida Mohamed Athman (Trade, Tourism and Cooperative Development), Rachael Musyoki (Devolution, Public Service and Disaster Management) and Luciana Jumwa Sanzua (Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries).

