National Transport and Safety Authority suspends night travel

The truck involved in an accident that claimed over 30 lives PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:The national transport and safety authority has suspended night travel for long distances  on Public service vehicles.

According to a statement released by the authority, the move was prompted by the rising number of road carnage incidents that have happened at night.

“In order to review the effectiveness of the current measures in place to improve road safety,the authority in consultation with other relevant government bodies  hereby suspends night travel for all long distance  public service vehicles  from 31st December 2017” The authority said in a statement.

This comes just a few hours after a road carnage incident claimed more than 30 lives at the Migaa area of the Salgaa-Shachagwan black spot.

Road carnage incidents in the month of have claimed more than 80 people though the authority has not yet released official statistics.

The authority last put such a ban in 2013 following fatal road accidents.

