NASA leaders call upon Chebukati to resign

IEBC chair Wafula Chebukat IEBC PHOTO/FILE.

Nairobi, KENYA: National Super Alliance members of parliament have called on IEBC chair to resign or go to supreme court and seek legal interpretation on the crisis the commission is undergoing currently.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings on Wednesday led by Ugunja legislator Opiyo Wandayi, they said thatthere is need for Chebukati to resign to avert further electoral crisis being experienced in the country after IEBC commissioner Rosyline Akombe resigned from her post as a commissioner.

“In the event that the commission cannot agree, Since they are unlikely to agree as a commission ,to take that suggestion that we are suggesting ,the only option left is for the chairperson of the IEBC Wafula Chebukati to resign.”He added

Wandayi said that if Chebukati won’t resign, then he can go to Supreme court for legal interpretation of the current electoral crisis being witnessed so that Judiciary can give its take on the current situation to avert anarchy in the country.

“But things as they stand currently ,they are making it impossible for elections to happen .So the commission must have the courage,to own up to this and go back to supreme court to seek further direction.”Wandayi said.

He said that Chebukati has to take  such a bold step after Akombe’s revelations that the commission’s secretariat and some commissioners are embedded towards certain political affiliations, thus affecting the credibility of the commission in conducting the polls.

He warned the NASA principals to desist from having talks with Jubilee administration on sharing of power and rather hold talks on improving electoral system in the country.

On the other hand, NASA principal Moses Wetangula  speaking  during a rally at Kamukunji on Thursday afternoon called on Chebukatui to resign.

” When you don’t deliver a credible election no body will remember any of your commissioners, only you will be remembered a good example is Isaack Hassan and Samuel Kivuitu, it’s better to prevent yourself from such calamities.” Said Wetangula.

Musalia Mudavadi  also shared the same sentiments calling upon Chebukati to resign.

“These people do not want change they are putting you in a corner and when the time comes, you will be left on your own.” Said Mudavadi.

READ ALSO: Chebukati urges IEBC staff adversely mentioned to step aside, rules out resignation

