Death toll from Somalia bombing now at 276

Somali government soldiers take their positions during a clash with Al Shabaab militants PHOTO COURTESY

The deathtoll from a twin bombing in the Somali capital of Mogadishu has risen  to 276 according to the Somali minister of information Abdirahman .O.Osman

The minister blamed the Alshabaab terror group over the attack in which ,300 people were injured.

On Sunday, Mogadishu residents held protests against the Alshabaab militia group who are thought to have carried out the attack though they have not publicly claimed responsibility.

The attack which took place on sartuday afternoon has been termed as the deadliest attack in the decade long Alshabaab insurgency in Somalia.

Several countries including Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have sent their messages of condolence to Somalia while the Somali government has declared 3 days of national mourning.

