Two Technical University of Mombasa staff killed in gun attack

Police at the scene where the incident took place that saw two TUM staff killed by unknown gunmen. PHOTO: LAWRENCE SITA.

Kwale, KENYA: Two Technical University of Mombasa staff,Ukunda campus have been killed in Ukunda, Kwale county after unknown gunmen opened fire at the car they were travelling in.

According to police officers who were accompanying the staff in the car, the two who were killed were ladies and the van was escorting the bus carrying the students to the campus.

The two police officers and driver have also been wounded and are being treated at Diani Beach hospital in Ukunda,police said.

The students and the staff were from their camp heading to main campus during the Tuesday 7am incident.

Unknown gunmen are said to have opened fire at the car which was in front of the bus and two police officers sustained injuries on their legs and the driver was shot on the hand.

The students were forced to jump out of the bus and run for their safety.

Area police chief Joseph Chebusit told Baraka FM that at least two attackers opened fire at the car killing the two officials on the spot.

He said the officers engaged the suspects who later escaped after they were overpowered.

He said the motive of the attack is still unknown, saying investigations have been launched and more police officers have been deployed to pursue the attackers.

“We are asking everyone to remain calm as we conain the situation,the school has  now been closed as we pursue the attackers,we are yet to establish the motive,”said police boss

The police chief asked the residents to cooperate with security especially in volunteering information which will lead to arrest of the gunmen.

Meanwhile, through a press release signed by TUM Vice Chancellor, Prof Laila Abubakar, the university has temporarily suspended activities to allow police officers, who are currently within the Ukunda campus, to conduct investigations.

The presser adds that the attack occurred between Kona Musa and Mabokoni as they were heading to work from Ukunda town in a staff car.

The incident happened just  some days after two police officers manning a church in Ukunda were killed and their guns stolen by unknown attackers.

Police are yet to recover the stolen firearms.

READ MORE: Two police officers dead as gunmen attack church in Ukunda

