IPOA appeals to UON students  to record statements

University of Nairobi students engage police in running battles on Moi avenue Nairobi at a past incident PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Following the closure of University of Nairobi, the Independent Policing Oversight Authority has appealed to University of Nairobi students affected by police brutality to record statements with them.

The authority through its CEO Joel Mabonga, requested the university students not to  leave until they had recorded statements so as to fast track the investigations process.

“IPOA is kindly appealing to 26 students injured in the assault on Thursday 26th  September 2017 incident not  to leave until they had recorded statements,’’ wrote the authority

26 students are said to have been injured in an incident where GSU officer stormed the university premises beating the students.

A section of the students had earlier been protesting over the detention of the former SONU chair, who is the Embakasi East MP Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino.

However, yesterday the University management denied claims that one of the students who had been injured in the incident succumbed to his injuries.

On Tuesday morning, a section of students from the University’s  School of Business Lower Kabete campus blocked a section of the road demanding the resignation of the Vice chancellor Paul Mbithi over allegations of inviting GSU officers in the Thursday incident.

35 students have reportedly been expelled over their involvement in the demonstrations, while another section of students are reported to have blocked sections of Mamlaka road in Nairobi on Monday evening.

However, the Mombasa campus of the University remained open on Tuesday .

A spot check by Baraka FM revealed lectures ongoing as usual, while a university official told Baraka FM that they had not received a directive to close down branches.

