Woman last seen with murdered Likoni clinician nabbed

Likoni OCPDBenjamin Rotich and DCI Henry Ndombi at a past briefing.PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Mombasa,KENYA:Detectives in Likoni Mombasa are grilling a  woman linked to the murder of a clinical officer  in the area

Patrick Kaimenyi,who was a clinical officer at Marris dispensary in Timbwani, was stabbed over 50 times to death by three armed men and his body dumped near the ocean at the Senti Kumi neighborhood  in Likoni.

The woman,24,name withheld and  “person of interest “handed  herself  to   the Likoni police station at around 5:30pm,Wednesday.

She hails from Karama ,Tigania East in Meru County and she has been living  in Likoni.

Detectives led by Likoni DCI  Henry Ndombi have been looking for the woman after  she was mentioned as  the last person seen with Kaimenyi before he met  his death.

Police reports indicates  that the woman was spotted with the deceased at the Ferry area where the duo bought a packet of chips.They later went back to the house on foot but using a different route , only to be attacked along the road.

The woman told investigators that Mr Kaimenyi requested her to accompany him  to buy supper after which they were to go back to  visit his new born baby.

“The woman agreed but persuaded Mr Kaimenyi to use another route  along  which they were  attacked. Kaimenyi was stabbed to death ,” A Police source aware of investigations told Baraka FM.

“We agreed to use another road at Senti Kumi area.Suddenly we were accosted by four men,two of them attacked Mr Kaimenyi while the other two beat  and raped me,” The  woman told a  team investigating the matter.

Likoni DCI Henry Ndombi confirmed that the woman had some injuries in her body but said they would not conclude until they had dug deeper.

“The woman has claimed she was raped but we are waiting for the doctors report,” he said.

The woman claimed she ran off leaving Mr Kaimenyi with the armed men.

Police found a packet of chips the duo had bought.

When asked where she has been since the incident happened, she said she had been hiding at a friends house within Likoni.She said the attackers also took her phone.

The woman had some injuries in her body which she claims were inflicted by the attackers.

The DCI boss asked the family and the public to stop speculations and wait for police to complete investigations.

Police are also pursuing another angle on which the deceased is said to have treated a suspected gangster who was shot by police a year ago.

Its alleged that Mr Kaimenyi later tipped the police after which the suspect was arrested and prosecuted.

“His other accomplice did not take it  lightly and they started hunting the doctor,” the police source said.

A Hearse carrying the body of the deceased leave the Coast General Hospital PHOTO /WELDON KEMBOI

A postmortem was carried on Wednesday in presence of the deceased’s family members  at  the  Coast General Hospital  showed that Kaimenyi died  over excessive bleeding.

“As a result of my examination,I formed the opinion that the cause of death was hemorrhage shock due to multiple deep cut wounds secondary assault,”reads part of the report.

The body was later moved to Meru .

According to family members, the deceased will be  laid to rest on Friday.

