Two suspected Wakalikwanza gang members killed in Kisauni


Mombasa, KENYA: Police in Kisauni, Mombasa have killed two suspected Wakalikwanza.

Seven others escaped police raid in the 5 pm Friday incident in Kigori slums area,police said.

The young gangsters are said to have been armed with machetes and other crude weapons when police engaged them.

Kisauni police chief Christopher Rotich told Baraka FM that the two were gunned down, after they attempted to attack police who had been deployed following public outcry of attacks by the gang members.

He said police recovered two machetes and a knife from the suspects.

“The suspects had attacked women and robbed them their valuables,we received information and that is when we dispatch police in the area,” said police boss.

Police are yet to identify the the suspects killed and a manhunt has been launched for the suspects who fled.

The bodies were moved to Coast general morgue.

