Maraga’s ruling could cause civil unrest,Jubilee MP

Nyeri Town MP addressing journalists when he filed the petition. PHOTO: COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Nyeri town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu has launched a petition to remove the Kenyan chief justice David Maraga from office over the nullification of the August 8th presidential polls.

The first time legislator argued that the CJ’s decision was influenced by NGO’s intending to drive a regime change through judicial radicalism

“The Chief Justice has invited , encouraged and permitted entry into the core of the judiciary by NGO’s who are known protagonists of the president and deputy president who propagated their prosecution at the ICC” reads part of the petion

Ruling could have dire consequences

Wambugu further argues that the CJ’s ruling could have dire consequences like chaos and civil unrest citing the case of Ukraine.

“The grand plan in this conspiracy is akin to what took place in Ukraine where a presidential election was annulled by the supreme court..In the fresh presidential election of Ukraine once again , the supreme court invalidated the result .This untimely action led to civil unrest , chaos and untimely a regime change.

Kenya became the 3rd country where the supreme court annulled the presidential election results after Ukraine in 2004 and Austria in 2016.

CJ prevented one judge from making a ruling

Wambugu further claims that engaged in gross misconduct and abuse of office by preventing Justice Mohamed Ibrahim from making a decision in the presidential petition.

Justice Mohamed Ibrahim had been taken ill a few days after the kick off of the petition hearings.

Wambugu argued that Justice Mohamed Ibrahim was willing to execute his duties by revirewing the submissions, evidence and video coverage of the petition hearings of the  and render his decision.

Wambugu has further requested to be allowed to present his evidence before the judicial service commison.

The petition comes a day after the Judiciary missed the presidential address to the National assembly  on Tuesday.

