President Kenyatta urges arms of government to respect each other

President Uhuru Kenyatta during the State of The Nation Address in parliament on 15th March 2017. PHOTO/FILE

Nairobi,KENYA:President Uhuru Kenyatta  has  urged all arms of government and independent  commissions to respect each other and uphold their independency  as they execute their mandate .

Addressing parliament during the opening of 12th  parliament  session president Uhuru said that they ought to work together , free  of  intimidation from  any external forces be it foreign or local.

“Given the complexity ,of three arms of government ,and constitutional commissions they must work together .Even as they respect each other functional independency.”President Uhuru said

The separation of powers of the three arms of government is a critical constitutional

“No technicality, no process ,no power can  influence  or should ever stand sovereignity “The president added

He urged officials working in these arms of government and other government commissions to be on the look out for any  person who might undermine their independency.

He urged parliamentarians to execute their mandate by putting their constituents interests and aspirations first as they execute their mandate .

He applauded the women in the country for being voted in, on  various elective seats especially in gubernatorial seats which has set  precedence in leadership  reminding Kenyans the need to  increase the women’s participation in national development.

He pointed that his government is committed for the a repeat of the August 17 polls vowing that the government will not allow any politicking which might sway the country’s security status during this electioneering period.

Uhuru addressed only jubilee members of parliament after the opposition’s NASA coalition and the judiciary snubbed the event whereby NASA argued  that president Uhuru should have waited  the outcome of the repeat of elections then he opens the legislature.

On the other hand the NASA team boycotted the  address choosing to address  their supporters at Kibera in Nairobi blasting Uhuru over his move to open parliamentary proceedings  before a repeat of elections is held.

