NASA legislators revert on boycott of swearing in


Nairobi,KENYA:Legislators allied to the National Super Alliance have reverted   their bid to boycott the swearing in of National Assembly and Senate legislators slated for Thursday this week .

In a media briefing at the Okoa Kenya headquarters in Nairobi on Wednesday, after a consultative meeting involving members of the two houses  ,NASA co principal  Moses Wetangula said that the meeting resolved that members will be attending the swearing ceremony for members of parliament ,and elections of the speakers and deputy speakers of the two houses  ,National Assembly and Senate.

“We did promise ,to tell Kenyans ,about the attendance of our members in the sitting sessions tomorrow ,of the two houses of parliament ,we made a unanimous decision ,that our members for both National Assembly and Senate ,will attend parliament tomorrow.”Wetangula said

He said that the NASA meeting scheduled for next week to discuss in depth matters regarding on how the coalition will be undertaking the leadership of both houses especially committee slots for the coalition.

The meeting also  encompassed awareness among legislators on the ongoing presidential  case before  Supreme court  which was undertaken by  one of the NASA lawyers  Amollo Otiende.

On Thursday,elections of  speakers of the two houses will also  be transpiring whereby in the  senate seven members were duly nominated for the exercise while four candidates were duly nominated for the deputy senate speaker post. 

